Shalom and Stress
Sunday, October 31
Dr. Mariam Hull, Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology, Texas Children's Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine
Shalom and Stress
Sunday, October 31
Dr. Mariam Hull, Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology, Texas Children's Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine
Shalom and Purity
Saturday, November 6
Tim Mavergeorge, Director of The Houston Center of Christian Counseling
Dinner and Follow-up of Wellevations Assessments
Sunday, November 7
Dr. Jeff Frey
Shalom and the Incarcerated
Sunday, November 14
Grove Norwood, CEO of The Heart of Texas Foundation

Alliance Theatre Texas presents "Out of The Depths - understanding mental illness"
February 2022Alliance Theatre Texas will present “Out of The Depths- understanding mental illness” which takes a raw look into the lives of those who deal with mental illness, and shines a light on common misconceptions and taboos surrounding the subject of mental health. The presentation will follow the journey of five people living with various mental illnesses. The stories are portrayed through singers, dancers, actors, real-life interviews, film, art, and monologues.
Details and date to be announced: For more information
Past Events

Bridges to Hope
Wednesday, Sept. 29th 7:00-8:00pm
"What is mental illness?" "How does it impact individuals, families, and communities?" "What resources are there to help?" "When should I call 911, and what should I expect?" "What about medicine?" "What good is talk therapy?"
These are some of the questions to be discussed by a panel of guests that includes: Angelina Hudson, Parent and Interim Executive Director NAMI; Omar Sesay, M. Ed., LPC-S, NCC, Top Level Counseling Center; Mike and Susan Schultz, Caregivers; and Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan.
Mental health affects everyone. Nearly 60 million Americans are affected by mental illness each year.
Religion and spirituality can have a positive impact on mental health.
Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health—research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use.
Bridges to Hope
• Initiates social connections with other members
• Creates a sense of belonging to a group
• Offers trustworthy and safe social engagement
NAMI is here to provide the unique support, encouragement, education and advocacy that is unique to those with the lived experience.
Mental health is not only a social issue, but a public health issue. 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24. So, these are conditions of youth that for many continue through the lifetime.
Early identification and intervention are key—and the tragic outcomes of failing to intervene with treatment and support are dire. Suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death in youth ages 14-24.
Grace for the Afflicted, Book Study
September 1 - September 29NAMI Family to Family Group, 8 week study
September 28NAMI Family to Family Group 8 week study produced by NAMI educational for family members currently caring for a spouse, sibling, child, parent, loved one who has a mental illness. This is by registration only through the website.
Shalom and Integrated Well-Being
Sunday, October 17
Dr. Jeff Frey, FurtherFaster; Wellevations
The Church's Role in Mental Illness
Sunday, October 10
Dr. Matthew Stanford
Shalom and Poverty
Sunday, October 310:30AM
Brandon Baca, CEO of Attack Poverty